Monday, August 31, 2009

At the Bottom

i am back at school now. classes started last wednesday. that means i have homework! yay! but instead of doing homework i just read harry potter all day. i am on the 5th book and it is pretty interesting. not as interesting as the first four but this is harry potter we're talkin about...its bound to get crazy vedy vedy soon.

i now have a disneyland pass and i have gone 3 times in the past week. im already getting some quality use out of it. i had not been to d land since i was 10 years of age. it was hard remembering everything that i had once experienced there at a young age, but there were a few things that i was familiar with. pirates of the caribbean still rules. that is one thing that i can always count on...pirates being awesomely awesome. pirate tattoo in the future? yes please.

brand new's album titled "daisy" leaked onto the internet and i go my hands on it vedy quickly. they have been one of my favorite bands since freshman year of high school. every time they record an album they continue to develop musically and jesse lacey continues to be spot on lyrically. the bassist throughout the record had some groovin bass lines. the guitar work is phenomenal on this record. i cant get enough of the riffage going on here. me likey. id like to see some of these songs live in the near future.

things that make me happy:
Harley Marissa

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