Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Lifted or The Story is in the Soil, Keep Your Ear to the Ground

i honestly dont know what to write about anymore. ive been trying for the past two weeks, but nothing has come to me. so i guess im going to write about how much i hate writing. i know that youre probably saying that this is quite ironic that im writing about hating writing, but just bare with me.

so during high school i had to take 4 years of both math and english. math was always a piece of cake for me, but english is another story. each teacher in high school taught me different ways to write essays and none of them really stuck with me. now that im in college and i have essays almost daily, life can become temporarily frustrating.

man this post is depressing...haha.

"Caked up and faked up, she's obsessed with the outside
Nothing earned, too afraid to fail, so she lead a hollow life void of insight
Loving what you see but hating what you think because between your mind and your body, There's a missing link that leaves you vulnerable, susceptible to pain
You're a garden of potential, submerged in the rain

True beauty can't be seen with the eyes

Armed with a mind
I'm going to strengthen my action with thought
Make use of the gift that I got and walk fearless because I'm armed with a mind
A weak offense when you step to this
Mind over matter is power over fists
I walk fearless because I'm armed with a mind" - Patrick Flynn

Friday, January 11, 2008

Deja Entendu

im turning 19 in less than a month. 6 of my good friends also have birthdays in between now and then. so stoked for yall, but i bet we all wished we were turning 7, and that we going off to neverland after our parents tucked us in at night. anyways...back to the topic of birthdays. i know they are celebration of ones birth, but i think that is quite selfish. birthdays always come with selfish expectations like who got me presents, or who is actually going to say happy b day to me? that is simply ridiculous. lemme tell you what, how about on my birthday we all go to grocery stores and eat french bread for every meal, go on random adventures in between those meals, and then end the night with a glorious movie. oh wait...i do that everyday, and i cant wait to do it again.

"It's a revelation; a moment of clarity, and I am trapped inside this moment. Deadlines are left to die and I guess I am truly free. My brain was spent. I worried as I fell in knee deep where consequences and circumstances suffocated and I could barely breathe. And by all means, this rain should be bringing me down. Seattle is keeping me in tune with just right now and a song that tends to be so oddly timed. Outside the rain falls. The city is cold and miserable but I am not. All we are is all we've started. All could all be gone, so let's begin. I often wonder if I'll ever finish all that I have started, and the answer I have found is no. No, I will never finish all that I have started because life is about DOING the process and not the result. Life is about DOING whether you want to or not. My life: a constant work in progress and I wouldn't have it any other way." - SYG

Saturday, January 5, 2008

The Execution Of All Things

so i only made it 175 miles up the coast on my road trip. the storm that is currently hitting the west coast was too tough for us to travel in, so we took a train home. we met A LOT of crazy people to say the least. im am completely positive that 5 out 6 people that picked us up did some form of drug use. all in all it was a memorable time.

"We're all pretty bizarre. Some of us are just better at hiding it, that's all"

Thursday, January 3, 2008

This Is A Long Drive For Someone With Nothing To Think About

in seven hours i will be venturing into the unknown with my friends nick and travis. i am both terrified and thrilled at the same time. our destination is over 400 miles away and we dont have a vehicle, much money, or expectations. whoever says that hitchhiking is outdated has yet to live. we dont know what will happen and frankly we dont care just as long as memories are made along the way.

they say right when they flood the house and they tear it to shreds that, 'destruction is a form of creation,' so the fact that they burn the money is ironic. They just want to see what happens when they tear the world apart. They want to change things." - DD