Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Guilty Of Being White

a few weekends ago i attended Biola's SCORR Conference. SCORR stands for "Student Congress on Racial Reconciliation." awesome right?! yes and no.

reconcile - 1 a : to restore to friendship or harmony b : settle, resolve
2 : to make consistent or congruous
3 : to cause to submit to or accept something unpleasant

there was no reconciliation taking place. if reconciliation to those of different ethnicities means constantly making fun of white people then i dont want to be a part of it. i understand that imperialism and genocide has taken place in this very country. many sins have been committed and healing is still taking place. but to go to a conference and feeling like crap the whole time is not fun. i know i may be being a baby about it, but there was no healing taking place, just more hostility towards white people.

i understand that ethnic groups and minorities have been oppressed for years and this was maybe a little taste of what they have to go through everyday. But, why would one impose the same feelings of hostility back onto someone that has never racially discriminated against anyone in his life. i just felt accused of a crime that i have never committed.

i am still trying to understand this all. it is such a touchy subject to talk about at times. that is why i am very unsure of this post. i guess it is just my reaction to feeling guilty of all the oppression over the years.

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