Wednesday, November 18, 2009

it's late...can't sleep

i had coffee after 11 pm tonight. first mistake. i then tried to go to bed around 11:45. second mistake. i obviously could not sleep. soon my thoughts crept out of nowhere to torment me. i had some stupid song stuck in my head for the longest time and could not get it out. i have since forgotten it. praise 'im. i then began thinking about ultimate frisbee playoffs this weekend. throwing a frisbee around with friends is one of my favorite things to do.
im currently uploading an album onto my music blog. check it out here it's by a currently defunct band called northstar. i jammed this album a lot in high school and it is still a favorite of mine. im currently listening to a song called "all i need" by a small band called Radiohead. my goodness this song puts me in the sleepy mood every time without fail. i guess thats why i chose to listen to it now because i no longer want to be conscience. as a matter of fact, this whole album is putting me to sleep. last thoughts...check out and follow me and my roommates twitter.
also follow me personally on twitter

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